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Week Three

Session 3

Jesus Christ - Part One

The lesson begins at 43:30. Streamed live on Wednesday April 22, 2020.

Big idea

Jesus is the Cornerstone.
The Weekly Challenge: Build our life on Jesus.
"Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Born of the Virgin Mary
Suffered under Pontius Pilate
Was crucified, dead, and buried.
He descended into hell."
Grasping Truth
"Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord"
When we claim 'Jesus', we are claiming a real historical figure (Matthew 1:21), but when we claim 'Christ', we are claiming something a general historian won't. Christ means "Chosen One of God", so when we say 'Jesus Christ', we are confessing that we are in need of a Savior who will save us from the punishment for our sins and that this Savior's name is Jesus, God's only Son, the eternal second Person of the Trinity (John 1:1-3). This Savior is also the Lord of all, sovereign and in charge over everyone and everything (Philippians 2:5-11).
"Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit"
It's important that we do not speculate on this line, but trust Scripture when it says that the Holy Spirit conceived Jesus by overshadowing a virgin named Mary (Luke 1:35). Virgins cannot give birth, so what we confess with this line and the next is a miracle, and this miracle proves that Jesus is God.
"Born of the Virgin Mary"
Alternatively, the fact that Jesus was physically born proves His humanity. Jesus was born, was hungry, was tired, was thirsty, felt pain, felt emotions, and was tempted but never sinned. Jesus has always been God but He became a man, and now is 100% God and 100% forever. This matters because only God could take on God's wrath for our sin and survive but only a man could die in our place for our sins.
"Suffered under Pontius Pilate"
Jesus did not just 'die' but suffered physically (Isaiah 52:14), emotionally (Matthew 26:56), and spiritually (Matthew 27:46). The reason He suffered was for us (Romans 5:8) for "by His wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53), because "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin" (Hebrews 9:22). This wasn't a tragic plot twist, but the plan from the very beginning as God sent Jesus to die for our sins. And this even was not forced on Jesus, but He suffered willingly, out of love and for the joy set before Him.
"Was crucified, dead, and buried."
He was crucified - tortured and executed on a cross even though He was perfectly innocent. He was killed - fully taking on Himself the wrath of God for our sins and finally, fully, and forever purchasing salvation. He was buried - experiencing and conquering death for us. In all this, we see the horrors of sin and the depth of God's love: that Jesus experienced what He did not deserve so that we who deserved it would never experience it.
"He descended into hell."
This can be a confusing line and has been poorly understood and backed up by mishandling Scripture, so we need to tread lightly and never go further than Scripture. But by confessing "He descended into hell" we mean that He went to hades, the realm of the dead, not gehenna, the place of eternal torment. We confess that He descended into the realm of the dead to say that Jesus was not sleeping, in a coma, or in any way alive, but died to defeat death itself.
If We Let Go
If we let go of His virgin birth, then He died for His own sin.
Jesus could die for our sin because He was the perfect, spotless Lamb of God, that never sinned. If He had been fathered by normal means, He would have the guilt of Adam on Him like every other person who has ever lived. So, if we deny the virgin birth, we deny Christ's perfection and sinlessness which means He had to die for His own sins like everyone else and could not die for ours.
If we let go of His humanity, then He didn't die for our sins.
Only a human could take our place and die for mankind. If He was never fully man, He could not have died for us, as we needed a real sacrificial death for the payment for our sins.
If we let go of His Lordship, then we'll let go of the pursuit of holiness.
If Jesus is not Lord, then we are left with suggestions and not standards, which mean all may do as they please, with no objective accountability. If Jesus is not Lord, He has no authority over us. If Jesus has no authority, He has no right to judge. If He has no right to judge, there is no need for change or salvation.
Holding Fast
1. Repent from sin and follow Him.
We naturally look for a Jesus that looks like us because its easier to accept, follow, and love. But if we believe that Jesus Christ, God's only Son and our Lord, came, suffered, and died for us, we will seek to know Him and follow Him.
2. Trust the His plan for salvation is enough.
Stop trying to earn a seat at God's table. He's already invited you and adopted you. There is no more need to try to earn a way to belong with God. Instead, worship Him for His sacrifice with your life.
3. Do what He says.
If we believe that He is Lord, we must obey Him as our Lord. That means trusting His understanding over our own, making decisions that pleases Him, and living for Him rather than anyone else.
4. Be willing to suffer like Him.
A Christian who lives because of Jesus' suffering and preaches that gospel to themselves every day will become more and more uncomfortable with trying to live for the comforts of this life. Be willing to sacrifice for others the way that Christ has sacrificed for you.
5. Boast in the cross.
There are thousands of Christians who hate the very idea that Christ had to die for us. Paul warned that to perishing the message of the cross appears foolish. But, don't be afraid of what they think. Boast in the cross and be thankful for Jesus' sacrifice for you.
The Weekly Challenge

I believe...

Jesus is the Cornerstone.

Therefore, I...

will build my life on Him.
Additional Resources

Additional resources - to help you grasp and hold on to more

Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord

Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord

An excerpt from Albert Mohler’s book The Apostles’ Creed.

Why We Believe the Bible

Why We Believe the Bible

A HEFTY seminar from John Piper about the accuracy, reliability, and importance of the Bible.

Why You Shouldn’t Just Believe the Bible Is True

Why You Shouldn’t Just Believe the Bible Is True

“We are being asked at every turn to prove why Scripture’s perspective is morally sound. If the preeminent question of past generations was “Is the Bible true?,” today we’re being asked “Is the Bible good?” Sure, Scripture may have epistemic authority. But does it have moral authority?”

Notecard Answers for Why I Believe the Bible

Notecard Answers for Why I Believe the Bible

“I’ve put these five points together as something of a quick reference notecard for why I believe the Bible.”

Can the Bible Be Trusted?

Can the Bible Be Trusted?

The video we played in Week Three’s stream. Four reasons you can trust the Bible.

Why Trust the Bible?

Why Trust the Bible?

“One way to find out is to approach the New Testament as a collection of historical documents that speak for themselves. But are these documents truly reliable, historically speaking? Answering that involves a series of questions.”

10 Reasons Why You Should Trust the Bible

10 Reasons Why You Should Trust the Bible

“Are there any good reasons to believe the Bible is true? Can an old book like the Bible really be trusted? There are, of course, many good reasons to believe that the Bible is indeed a trustworthy document.”

Did Jesus Descend into Hell?

Did Jesus Descend into Hell?

An in-depth look at the prooftexts used for a misunderstanding of this line. This article clears up how we can know that Jesus did not go to the place of torment when He did go to the realm of the dead, and presents two potential interpretations of 1 Peter.

Death Has Been Swallowed Up by Death

Death Has Been Swallowed Up by Death

“Have you ever wondered what it means to say that Christ “descended into hell”?”

Is It OK to Confess That Jesus Descended into Hell?

Is It OK to Confess That Jesus Descended into Hell?

What this line of the creed DOESN’T mean and what it DOES mean.

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